Confidentiality Policy
- Confidential information
Confidential Information shall mean any information or data disclosed or made accessible by The Client to Code Red Operative Group INC (“The Company”), either in writing or orally, or in whatever medium and regardless of marked as confidential or not. Confidential Information shall therefore mean all information or data including but not limited to those of technical, commercial, financial or sensitive nature, business, corporate and/or commercial information relating to its respective business, partnerships, investor interest, grant proposals, requests, facilities, products, techniques and processes, know-how, formulae, designs, samples of any kind, photographs, audio or videotape, CD Roms, drawings, specifications, programmes, codes, materials, records, business plans, prices, research, analysis, experience and/or other such materials, documents and papers, which are disclosed by The Client to The Company. Confidential Information shall also include but is not limited to all notes, documents, working papers, audio or videotape, CD Roms, drawings, specifications, programmes, codes, materials, records, produced by The Company for the purposes of serving The Client’s needs, this last type of Confidential Information shall remain the property of The Company. The Company shall keep all Information received from The Client and produced for the client in whatever form as strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to third parties without the prior written permission of The Client. The Information received from The Client shall not be used for any purpose other than the one it has agreed to without the prior written permission of The Client. The information shall be neither copied nor otherwise reproduced nor duplicated in whole or in part without the prior written consent of The Client.
- Non-competition
All of our employees agree in maintaining the names of The Company’s clients confidential and to not to disclose, even after termination of the employment relation with the Company, the information about the Clients obtained during their working relationship nor their names. During the term of the employment relationship, our employees agree to refrain from pursuing any similar trade in competition against the Company´s business. Such obligation shall include: (1) The prohibition of carrying out activities and/or rendering services in other companies having a similar purpose to the Company´s purpose; (2) refraining from having an interest –whether direct or indirect- for or not for consideration, in any other company with a similar purpose to the Company´s purpose. The above-mentioned duty not to compete implies refraining from intervening in any negotiation or offer of services in direct or indirect competition with the services marketed by the Company. This obligation shall subsist the termination of the employment relation with the Company for a period of 12 months. After termination of the employment relation with the Company, all of our employees agree to refrain from contacting The Company’s clients for a period of 12 months.
- Amendments to the policy
The conditions of this policy may change over time or vary. Any substantial changes to this information will be published on this website and from that moment the updated version of the policy will be binding: the client is therefore encouraged to visit this section regularly.