Code Red has become a leader in the fire watch and site security industry, due to our decades of experience. We provide knowledgeable, well-trained fire watch security guards to look after your premises and ensure the safety of your employees and equipment. In the case of a fire outbreak, our stationed security operative will prevent further loss to your business and deter unwanted entry into the affected area. We conduct ‘round the clock patrols on location, until the client, fire marshal or police advises us otherwise. Code Red’s in-depth training ensures that each fire watch security guard understands how to follow the fire Marshal’s protocols and provide detailed incident reports.
Fire poses a real threat and should only be handled by trained professionals. We will provide you with a fully customized quote to adequately cover the area required for the fire watch. Our goal is the security and well-being of your property and premises. We will deliver a reliable, effective and safe security solutions for your fire watch needs. Don’t wait any longer to make the right decision for your personal or business needs. Get Code Red; get secured!